Fashion Portrait Photography with Artist Minori in London

Recently, I had the pleasure of working with Japanese Shironuri Artist, Minori for a magazine article and BBC News feature. I interviewed Minori at a Japanese fashion event in London for MyM Magazine, during which I got chatting to a journalist for BBC news who told me she'd like to use the photos for a feature. I was also invited along to photograph Minori at Frieze Art Fair along with fashion designers Daniel Lismore and Kala Kala. You can view the article on the BBC website here.

The white face paint Minori wears is known as 'shironuri' (painted white), and takes influence from traditional geisha make-up, as well as offering her anonymity. Minori's beautifully elaborate fashion pieces are inspired by nature and travel and are all meticulously handmade. It was such an honour to be able to meet, interview and photograph Minori, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

If you're a designer, artist or other creative looking for a portrait photographer to capture your passion through photos, I'd love to hear from you. I'm now based in Chichester, West Sussex but I'm always happy to travel and cover the rest of West and East Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, Surrey, Dorset and London too.